Relationships Aren’t Perfect

This week has been a week from hell, because I don’t think God would like what is happening here on earth. So far, three couples/friends of mine have decided to terminate their relationship. Honestly, I do not get it. I do not understand how people can just break up like it is nothing…well I guess I can understand this somewhat. BUT, I will never understand how someone can say they love another person and break-up with them the next day.

I was talking to my dear younger sister today. Consequently, she gave her boyfriend her heart a long time ago. Today, he decided to take this beautiful present, stab it, rip it apart, and hand it back to my sister on a rusty and worn platter. When people give back gifts you give them, it kind of stings a little. When those same people bring back the gift, after mutilating it, it’s devastating. To top it off, it was her birthday…ugh. I don’t know all the details, so it isn’t fair to go any further with this example.

Relationships aren’t perfect, and they never will be. Do you know why? I do. It’s because nothing on this earth is perfect…duh! Maybe if there was no sin, then we would be able to love in a way that God loves us, but we will never be able to do this because we have fallen. Anyway, I shouldn’t get off on a tangent about being fallen. I should go on a tangent about love/relationships.

Back to relationships aren’t perfect. I know I’m not the guru of relationships, but having been in one for a while; I know things are never going to be consistent. By this I mean things won’t be consistently bad or consistently good. There may be more bad times than good times, and there may be more good times than bad times. However, things will never be consistently good or bad, even though it may seem one way or the other.

I also believe that “taking a break” is a waste of time. I know so many people, more than I can count on two hands, which have told me that they are “on a break.” When I think of this concept, it reminds me of running away or avoiding problems. Linking this back to “relationships aren’t perfect”: Why would you want to take a break from the person you love, when what you really need to do is sit down and hammer the problem on the head, until it is plunged so far into the ground that it can never uproot itself to harm your relationship ever again. Your relationship isn’t perfect, so duh there are going to be problems that arise and seem like they are too overwhelming to deal with, but is that a good enough reason to run from it? I think not! What does a break do anyway? I have never been able to figure this out. To me it seems like it delays the problem: kind of like spraying febreeze on your clothes when you know you are going to have to wash them anyway.

By now, I think I have stressed the concept of “relationships aren’t perfect”. However, I think I do need to clarify some things. I said that I think taking breaks is a waste of time, but that doesn’t mean that I think people should stay in relationships no matter what. I think people should try to work stuff out; and by try I mean really try. I’m not saying to stay in an abusive relationship of any kind, whether it be emotional, mental, physical,… you get the point. Also, it is not my intention to anger anyone with my opinions, so my sincerest apologies if I have done so. However, it was my intention to shed light on the reality of relationships.

Flowers and Mothers

After a long rainy day of school, I decided to take a walk in the subdivision. It was getting darker, and there were clouds covering the sky. I’ve walked this path before, like every day, but today was different. As I was walking, the same brown dog barked, the same man was getting his paper, the same family was coming home from a sporting event, the same sprinklers were wetting the same lawns, the same path was taken. When I walk I usually think about someone, or pray, or just think about life. Well, this time I was thinking about my mother because of that single flower…

There was construction all around: tractors, pipes, dirt, rocks, machinery needed to build a fine house. Then, there in the midst of all the chaos was a single flower. Not just any flower, but a purple daisy. If you know anything about my mother, it is that she loves purple, her children, and especially daisies. So, I went over to this flower and plucked it from the ground, while trying not to sink in the mud (remember it was raining all day and misting at the time). This flower resembles what my mom is all about…

My mother is possibly the strongest woman I know. She has gone through more crap than any three people combined should have to go through. Four children, two jobs, two daughters in college, bills, food, housing, crap ex-husbands, stress, a growing son, lack of child support, health issues/scares… Yep, definitely the strongest woman I know. Scratch that, the strongest person I know. I know we aren’t supposed to have Idols, but we are allowed to have heroes. My mother is the best hero anyone could have.

So why does this flower resemble my momma? It’s because flowers show beauty through all the crap. This is the story of my Momma…

Intimacy is Disgusting

I was walking a few days ago when I started to think about intimacy. The definition of intimacy according to some dictionary somewhere is, “the act of being intimate.” A lot of good that did, so I looked up the definition of intimate: “Relating to or indicative of one’s deepest nature,” or “of or involved in a sexual relationship.” I personally think intimacy is disgusting; not just the sexual part, but all of it. Humor me and think about the process of intimacy with me.

It all starts with first look. He looks at her, she looks at him. She notices he has food in his facial hair, and he notices her roots are showing…very unattractive, but they still have an attraction toward each other.

Then comes speaking to each other, which is nerve-racking in itself (which causes crazy amounts of sweating). She notices his breath smells like a dead skunk, and he notices she talks A LOT! He doesn’t understand anything she says because she talks at the speed of light, and she doesn’t understand him because he doesn’t talk like a squirrel on caffeine. BUT…they stay interested and continue on the intimacy train.

It’s the first date now, and he goes to grab her hand. This might be one of the most disgusting acts ever committed by human beings. Do YOU know how many germs are spread through human contact…well neither do I, but I bet it’s a lot. Enough said.

Now they have gotten to the 20th date at least, and it comes time for the first kiss. I was once told by the extremely knowledgeable Noah Rader that, “Kissing is when two people spit into each other’s mouths.” Why in the world would anyone want to partake in such a disgusting act? I know why: it is because they are stuck on the intimacy train.

After at least 13 years of dating, the couple gets married (duh) and decides to partake in the most disgusting display of intimacy ever!!! Imagine sweaty people and… no more description needed. This is said to be a great display of love, but sweaty people mixed with the “…” equals grossness.

Now the couple is getting older and older, but they are still intimate. Imagine all the above, except smellier, saggier, and senile. Remember, once it starts it’s a life-long commitment of disgustingness…

*There is some seriousness in what I type. I believe half of what is written, and only a quarter of it is true. It’s up to you to make whatever meaning you want from it.*